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Search Directory


All listings published in the 070 Directory are permanent - yes for life! No need to renew, no need to worry, just a solid listing from a quality directory that lasts for ever.

070 Directory welcomes all submissions but some rules apply!

Please submit only to the most appropriate category for your website. If there is no appropriate category for your business, please contact us.
Top level categories are reserved for featured listings only.
No porn, hate, banned material or MFA (made for adsense) websites are indexed in this directory. We don't list casino, gambling or pharmacy websites.
Your description must not be just keywords, and it should be longer than 25 words in length and try to make it original. It's better for your listing so take a minute and write a new interesting description of your business!

If your submission is not approved - your money will be refunded.
All edits of your listing after publication are free for 90 days. After 90 days all edits are $5

Featured Listing$15
Regular Listing$5
Regular listing with reciprocal$3

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*Your Email:
Reciprocal Link URL:

To validate the reciprocal link please include the following HTML code
in the page at the URL specified above, before submiting this form:

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